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Happy Birthday Asma

Asma, one of my best friends will turn 21 tomorrow. I wish her all the best. Happy birthday Asma baby!!!! Good luck for you and Akram. Oh yes! She's getting married next August. Hoorrrrrrrray. I hope me and the girls will have fun at your wedding. I love...

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When I think about love

That I would be good, by Alanis Morisette that I would be good even if I did nothing that I would be good even if I got the thumbs down that I would be good if I got and stayed sick that I would be good even if I gained ten pounds that I would be fine...

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Brooklyn baby, a walk on the quite side. This is what covers the walls of my room. America! America! Nur du allein! "I thought it was a bird, but it was just a paper bag. Hunger hurts." Red. White. Blue. mmm...Probably some day. A walk across America....

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I'm not an addict

It’s about drugs. Yeah! What’s your drug? I’m not an addict, by K’s choice (moaning….) Breathe it in and breathe it out And pass it on it’s almost out. We’re so creative, so much more We’re high above, but on the floor It’s not a habit, it’s cool I feel...

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Purification Voices in the train cut my braids (My braids were the wind’s favorite mistress In another life time) Voices scratch my head until they shave it. Until I fit in beautifully like a stone. They spit into my pores. And I vomit all the naughty...

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Lyrics of Wenn ein Lied

Xavier Naidoo Und Wenn Ein Lied Und wenn ein Lied meine Lippen verlasst, Dann nur damit du Liebe empfangst. Durch die Nacht und das dichteste Geast, Damit du keine Angste mehr kennst. Sag ein kleines Stückchen Wahrheit Und sieh' wie die Wüste lebt. Und...

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Introducing my college

Introducing my college

: Preparatory Institute for Literary Studies and Humanities. Or as they say in French L'Institut Préparatoire aux Etudes Littéraires et Sciences Humaines de Tunis: -is a very young institute, just five years old. It never had a stable locale until this...

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In pixel( My sister Ryma)

In pixel( My sister Ryma)

So this is me, and that's my sister to the right. And this is so not me! What cameras do to people!!!! And this is my sister again!! She's an artist you know. She draws wonderful portraits of celebrities and stuff. Sister again. Sophisticated! Sophisticated...

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